What's Happening MoCo?
An authentic, unscripted update from County Cable Montgomery highlighting items that help residents of Montgomery County. This program features interviews with elected officials, employees, public servants, and residents. This program is produced by the Office of Community Engagement from the Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Services. Interviews are recorded live and presented with very few edits to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the conversations.
What's Happening MoCo?
What's Happening during the MoCo Fair? Residents, Vendors, and Attractions... Oh My!
During this episode of What's Happening MoCo, we recorded interviews live from the 2023 Montgomery County Agricultural Fair. We talked to the cutest kids, the most interesting vendors, and adults enjoying the nostalgia of all the great food and attractions. Thanks to all the wonderful people we met this year including the #MoCoFair King and Queen.