What's Happening MoCo?
An authentic, unscripted update from County Cable Montgomery highlighting items that help residents of Montgomery County. This program features interviews with elected officials, employees, public servants, and residents. This program is produced by the Office of Community Engagement from the Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Services. Interviews are recorded live and presented with very few edits to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the conversations.
What's Happening MoCo?
What's the Top Ten Things for Kids to Do in Summer - Geneva Day School
Join us as we explore Montgomery County, Maryland, with the enthusiastic students at Geneva Day School in Potomac. We'll uncover the top 10 summer activities for kids, from attending the exciting Geneva Summer Camp to exploring butterfly gardens, enjoying nature walks, and getting creative with outdoor art. Hear firsthand from the kids about their favorite summer activities, and you'll soon be inspired to plan an extraordinary summer for your family.
In this episode, we also delve into the importance of early childhood education with insights from Geneva Day School's instructors. Learn about the school's philosophy of fostering a lifelong love of learning and understand why these formative years are crucial for future success. Tune in for valuable tips on enriching your child's summer.
Good day and welcome to what's Happening, moco, a podcast from your award-winning government television station, county, cable Montgomery. Now here's your host, derek Kelly. Good day and welcome to what's Happening, moco. This episode is rated TC for Too Cute. We're at the Geneva Day School, potomac, maryland, and we're asking kids what are the best things to do this summer. And I'm here with number 10 on our top things for kids to do with Oliver. Oliver, what's number 10?
Speaker 2:Go to Geneva Summer Camp.
Speaker 1:Wow, go to Geneva Summer Camp. It is located here in Potomac, Maryland. Check them out Easy Google find. We'll come back later and find out more about the Geneva Day School. And now we're going to ask Henry about what's number nine. What's the number nine? Best thing for kids to do in the summer.
Speaker 3:Visit a butterfly garden.
Speaker 1:Visit a butterfly garden and there's butterfly gardens throughout Montgomery County, maryland. You can definitely visit Brookside Gardens, which is one of the premier locations in Maryland to visit butterflies, and we know one thing about butterflies they're beautiful to look at. And now we're back with the number eight and number seven in the top 10 list of things for kids to do this summer Camden. What is number eight?
Speaker 4:Try new things.
Speaker 1:Try new things. All right, and now for number seven. We're going to talk to Miss Eva Eva. What is number seven?
Speaker 2:Make new friends Wow.
Speaker 1:What's great about making new friends?
Speaker 2:In a summer it's just really nice to do All right, and is Camden your friend?
Speaker 1:Yes, all right. You guys have a lot of fun together. Yes, all right. And is Camden your friend? Yes, all right. You guys have a lot of fun together. Yes, fantastic, thank you. Thank you so much, and we're back with number six and number five on our countdown of the top things for kids to do this summer in Montgomery County, maryland. And we're here with Lily and Aria. Lily, what is one of the great things to do this summer for kids?
Speaker 4:Lily, what is one of the great things to do this summer for kids?
Speaker 1:Go on a nature walk. Go on a nature walk, and Montgomery County is home to many, many parks and recreational areas where you can go with your family and take nature walks. So many good things to see, so many great places to go. And now we're going to talk to Aria about what's number five. Aria, what's number five on our list?
Speaker 4:Go to the playground.
Speaker 1:Go to the playground. Oh wow, what's one of your favorite things to do on the playground?
Speaker 3:Going to swings.
Speaker 1:Oh, the swings All right. And what about you, Lily?
Speaker 4:Monkey bars.
Speaker 1:Monkey bars. You guys must be strong. All right, Thank you so much. High fives and we're back with number four and number three in our top ten list of what kids can do this summer for fun. And we're here yet again with Camden and Henry Camden. What is one of the favorite things for kids to do this summer?
Speaker 3:Go to the pool.
Speaker 1:Go to the pool. Do you like the pool?
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 1:What do you like doing in the pool?
Speaker 2:Swimming laps. Swimming laps.
Speaker 1:Wow. Now Henry, what is one of the favorite things for kids to do this summer in your opinion?
Speaker 2:Go camping in your backyard.
Speaker 1:And now we're down to two, the top two. We're here with Oliver and Aria and we're going to ask them what are the top two things to do this summer for kids? Aria, what's number two of things to do this summer for kids?
Speaker 4:Make art outside.
Speaker 1:Wow, what kind of art can you make outside? Paint rocks, paint rocks. Wow, that's great. I think we have a Picasso in the making over here. And now, oliver, what's the top thing to do this summer in Montgomery County, maryland?
Speaker 3:Go to the fair.
Speaker 1:Go to the fair, and that's right. The nine best days of summer are coming at the Montgomery County Agricultural Fairgrounds, august 9th through the 17th. Be sure to get out there with your family and friends. Oliver, what's your favorite food at a fair?
Speaker 2:Hot dogs.
Speaker 1:And Aria, what's your favorite animal farm animal. What's your favorite type of farm animal? There's chickens, there's pigs, there's ducks. What's your favorite? Ducks All right, oliver. What about you? Ducks All right, ducks. So there you have it. Ten best things to do this summer with the what's Happening MoCo podcast At Geneva Day School. Thank you so much, guys, for helping out. What?
Speaker 4:And when you want to know what's happening in Montgomery County, Maryland, you ask the question what's?
Speaker 1:happening in Montgomery, and that's right. We're here at the Geneva Day School, potomac, maryland. We just learned the top 10 things for kids to do this summer, and now we're going to learn a bit more about the Geneva Day School. At the end of every episode, we often ask us the question and we'll give you the answers, and one question that we were given recently was hey, would you like to come out to the Geneva Day School and talk to us about what we do and where we are? And I said, why not? Sounds like a great idea. And it turned out to be a wonderful idea. We just learned the top 10 things for kids to do this summer, and then we're going to learn a little bit about a hidden gem in Potomac, maryland, montgomery County, maryland the Geneva Day School. And we're here with Anna, deborah and Jake. Anna, what is it that you do here for the day school?
Speaker 2:I am the director of the summer camp Wow.
Speaker 1:And we always like to know what certain jobs do. So what does the director of the summer camp do?
Speaker 2:Plan all the activities for every day of the week. Manage the kids if you know. Make sure all the classes are running smoothly.
Speaker 1:diapers are being changed. That leads me to my next question what age range Debra do we have here at the Geneva State School, if parents want to have their kids attend the school?
Speaker 4:So we're two-year-olds through kindergarten, all right, the school. So we're two-year-olds through kindergarten.
Speaker 1:All right, all right, and so two-year-olds through kindergarten, and kindergarten goes up to seven years old, six years old, six years old. Okay, and what is it that you do, what's your title and what do you do?
Speaker 4:I am one of the co-teachers of kindergarten.
Speaker 1:Oh, wow, Wow. And what's that During the summer? What is the curriculum like? Is it a little bit different from what you would see during the regular school year?
Speaker 4:So during the summer I'm one of the lead counselors. So kindergarten wrapped up at the end of May and summer camp I'm with three-year-olds, four-year-olds and five-year-olds and it is different. It's more open-ended with the free play we have. Art that we do every day, we cook every day.
Speaker 1:We have some specials. We had Anna and Olaf come this year to read stories and we're tie-dyeing this week, so we've been busy, cool. So that's Anna and Olaf from Frozen right, correct? I got my Disney card. Okay, there we go, all right. And then you also mentioned that you tie-dye. Are you tie-dyeing things that they could take home and wear? Yes, okay, and what is tie-dyeing for people that may have forgotten what that lost art is?
Speaker 4:So tie-dyeing? We ask all the children, the campers, to bring something white. It can be from a shirt, shorts, to socks, to pillowcases, and they get to pick what colors they want, if they want to do one color and dye it, or if they want to do multiple colors and use a rubber band. And when you take the rubber bands off, you have part white and part color.
Speaker 1:Wonderful, wonderful, and it's usually a very dazzling artistic display and it's kind of random, right? Yes, it's kind of random in the way it displays. All right, all right. Now for Jake. Jake, what do you do here at the day school?
Speaker 3:I am a lead teacher for the 3 and 4-year-olds and I'm also a this year All right, all right.
Speaker 1:Now. What is it, in particular, that three and four-year-olds need when you're teaching them and when you're managing them as a counselor?
Speaker 3:As a teacher, you know you got to keep it fun, you got to keep it creative, you got to keep them busy. You can't have any slow time in it. You got to be fast. You got to be quick. The kids are funny. They're hilarious.
Speaker 1:And you know they're like little sponges, they absorb everything. So so what you're saying is it's quite important where you have your kids and what they're doing during the summer, because they are sponges and they are at the prime opportunity to learn, and I'm not. I can't recommend the geneva day school, but I can say that from what I've seen so far, it's definitely a great place, uh, for learning. I would say it's a jewel for learning in the county. What is Geneva's philosophy when it comes to educating young people?
Speaker 2:Geneva's philosophy is to help foster a lifelong love of learning through age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate education and play.
Speaker 1:Oh, wow, that's significant. Okay, what are some of the ways people can learn more about your institution?
Speaker 2:You can find us online on our website, you can find us on Instagram, you can find us on Facebook and you can always give us a call.
Speaker 4:Our website is genevadayschoolorg.
Speaker 1:All right, genevadayschoolorg Couldn't get simpler than that. And Geneva, how do you spell Geneva?
Speaker 4:You can look at our shirts G-E-N-E-V-A.
Speaker 1:There you are. There you are All right. And my last thing, because we asked the kids for top 10 lists so we could do no less with their instructors, so now we need a top three list of reasons why early childhood education is important. All right, starting with you, number three.
Speaker 2:Early childhood education is important because those are the most formative learning years. All right, number three Early childhood education is important because those are the most formative learning years.
Speaker 1:All right, number two.
Speaker 4:We give them the foundation so they will be successful later on in their schooling and adult life.
Speaker 1:And no pressure. Number one, jake. Number one, one, one one.
Speaker 3:Well, these are the kids that will be, you know, working with us later down in life While we are, you know, growing older. The kids that we're teaching now. They're going to eventually be in charge of everything. We're going to be looking up to them.
Speaker 1:And that's what's happening at MoCo. We've learned so much today. We've learned the top things to do with your kids this summer. We've learned places to go to take your kids to learn more this summer. We've also learned the top three reasons why early childhood education, as young as two years old, is very important. And we also learned that if you ask the question what's happening, moco, you will get the answers. So thank you, geneva Day School, for having us here today. Thank you to all the little kiddies for their great responses of us standing up loud and proud and saying what's happening, moco?